The second quarter of 2018 saw the addition of a new program to the alliance’s portfolio and a great deal of effort by both staff and NEEA’s board to develop the organization’s next 5-year business plan. In May, staff presented the commercial High-Performance HVAC program to the Regional Portfolio Advisory Committee, which unanimously voted to advance the program into the alliance’s electric portfolio. The first technology being advanced through this program, very high efficiency dedicated outdoor air systems, was identified through the alliance’s emerging technology scanning process.
Throughout the quarter, NEEA staff together with the Board’s Business Planning Committee made considerable progress toward drafting the alliance’s next 5-year Business Plan. Staff and board representatives presented the draft plan and budget to NEEA’s full board of directors for review in July. Regional outreach of the plan is scheduled for fall 2018. Finally, in June NEEA’s board of directors confirmed and welcomed new board chair Andrew Grassell of Chelan County PUD and new indirect funder representative Scott Coe of Emerald PUD.
NEEA Q2 Quarterly Report
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