Q2 2022 Emerging Technology Newsletter

NEEA completed several HVAC projects in the second quarter of 2022.

• Concluded field testing of the first fully compliant Very High Efficiency Dedicated Outdoor Air System (VHE DOAS), demonstrating 84% HVAC energy savings and 66% energy building energy savings when compared to the previous system. 

• Finished work on Heat Pump and Air Conditioner Efficiency Ratings, co-funded with BC Hydro and Pacific Gas and Electric, demonstrating that improved testing can save significant energy.

• Wrapped up our product assessment and analysis of variable speed heat pumps (VSHP), developing a tool that can analyze different heat pumps across Northwest climate zones in various home types.

The U.S. Department of Energy (U.S. DOE) also announced that its Cold Climate Heat Pump Challenge Goal of achieving 100% heating capacity at 5°F was met by Lennox International nearly a year ahead of the Challenge’s schedule. The Challenge is funded by a number of utility partners and state agencies, including the Bonneville Power Administration and Montana Energy Office. Oak Ridge National Laboratory validated the prototype unit’s performance, finding that it also provided about 80% to 70% of the heating demand at -5°F and -10°F. These results are inspiring as NEEA continues its work with variable speed heat pumps.

Do you have a suggestion for products or technologies NEEA should consider? Please do not hesitate to contact us.

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