The third quarter of 2022 brought recognition to NEEA’s Emerging Technology work:
In July, with support from NEEA and Partnership for Advanced Window Solutions (PAWS), the final draft of ENERGY STAR® v7 for Windows, Doors & Skylights was released, lowering the U-factor criteria for windows from 0.27 to as low as 0.22 in the Northern Climate Zone.
In August, NEEA’s commercial secondary window project at 915 Broadway in Vancouver, WA, was named “Best Green Project” by the National Glass Association’s (NGA’s) Glass Magazine, beating out more than 60 nominees.
In September, PAWS, led by NEEA, had the opportunity to discuss the strategic importance of high-performance windows with U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm during the recent Global Clean Energy Action Forum.
The U.S. Department of Energy’s (U.S. DOE’s) Integrated Lighting Campaign recognized NEEA’s Luminaire Level Lighting Control (LLLC) installation in September for using color-tunable LED lighting and wireless commissioning for easy installation.
Also, in September, UL introduced Demand Response Testing so water heater manufacturers can assess compliance with ANSI/CTA-2045 and achieve ENERGY STAR® and EcoPort™ standards. ANSI/CTA-2045 and EcoPort provide manufacturers the credentials necessary to sell their water heaters in Oregon and Washington. Without the support of the Bonneville Power Administration, PacifiCorp, Portland General Electric and two extra-regional partners, Xcel Energy and Southern Company, the test harness development and associated software for labs like UL and manufacturers wouldn’t be possible.
Have a suggestion for products or technologies to consider? Please do not hesitate to reach out.