Q3 2023 Quarterly Report

A Note from the Executive Director

As 2023 comes to a close, I could not be more energized about NEEA’s future and the mission of this alliance. In recent conversations around the region, it’s been heartening to hear efficiency championed as a critical resource to meeting our region’s energy needs and Market Transformation as a tool to delivering that value. In that spirit, below are some Market Transformation highlights from the third quarter:

  • NEEA’s Regional Portfolio Advisory Committee recommended the Advanced Heat Pump program to transition into Market Development. This program has potential to transform the residential space heating market by shifting it toward more efficient heat pump systems. In doing so, the region can expect reliable energy savings, including at critical peak load peak times, and improved customer comfort in both mild and colder climates.
  • NEEA completed data collection for the Residential Building Stock Assessment (RBSA) and began planning for the next Commercial Building Stock Assessment (CBSA). Stock assessments provide the data necessary for the region to uncover, measure and plan for the next generation of Market Transformation and energy efficiency programs.
  • NEEA launched its first Dual-Fuel Measurement Workgroup. The workgroup will develop guidelines for calculating and reporting savings, peak load impacts and avoided emissions from dual-fuel programs. Dual-fuel programs offer significant promise for the region’s decarbonization and resource adequacy goals. Understanding how to allocate the benefits and costs for these programs between electric and natural gas systems is critical for their future success.

This time of year I’m reminded of all that I have to be grateful for, including this alliance. I would like to extend a heartfelt “thank you” to NEEA’s funders and stakeholders for your commitment to energy efficiency. I look forward to continuing our work to bring efficient and affordable products, services and practices to all Northwest consumers.

More highlights from NEEA's work in Q3 are available at the link on the right.

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