Hello to all of you. I hope you are staying safe amidst the terrible fires. What a truly difficult year!
Thank you for following the work that NEEA’s Market Research and Evaluation (MRE) team is doing by reading through our quarterly newsletter. The newsletter is a forward look at the studies we will be planning, those that our third-party contractors will be fielding, and those that we are anticipating reports posting in the next quarter. You’ll see how the newsletter entries are organized by those three categories: planning, fielding and reporting.
We have several interesting projects that are just getting underway, or that will be kicking off in the first part of the fourth quarter. Among others, these include research into the prevalence of specific challenging installation scenarios for heat pump water heaters, an assessment of the pilot for the extended motor products program, a survey of regional homebuilders to understand their uptake of energy efficiency measures that are included in the Residential New Construction program, and two market progress evaluations (MPERs). You’ll also notice that this is the first newsletter entry for the upcoming 2022 Residential Building Stock Assessment (RBSA). This major project is in the early planning stages, so stay tuned for many more newsletter entries for this important regional undertaking.