2021 is rounding out as another unusual year of modified plans and changing expectations. I’m looking forward to 2022 and the hope it holds for a return to pre-pandemic normal. Nonetheless, 2021 has offered up many great moments and there’s more yet to come. Amidst this busy holiday season, I hope you’ll find a few minutes to look over NEEA’s Market Research and Evaluation (MRE) quarterly newsletter. This is a busy time of year for the MRE team. Several market research studies are wrapping up that will support the design of effective Market Transformation strategies for NEEA's HVAC programs, which include Efficient Rooftop Units, High-Performance HVAC, and Variable Speed Heat Pumps.
Data collection is also underway for the Thin Triple Pane Window (TTW) Market Characterization study. This is a major undertaking that will inform the dual fuel TTW program’s market intervention strategies as well as the benefit/cost analysis and forecast of energy savings associated with the program’s influence on the market for high performing windows. That report should be available toward the middle of next year.
Best wishes for a very happy holiday season, with time to reflect on the past year, as well as hopes for the year ahead. I am very grateful for these partnerships and look forward to many more opportunities to connect in 2022.
Amy Webb, Sr. Manager, Market Research and Evaluation