Holiday greetings everyone! NEEA’s Market Research and Evaluation (MRE) team is pleased to share these updates from the last quarter. Enclosed are important details related to current research and evaluation studies, as well as those that will commence in the first quarter of 2023. There will be a host of studies in the field between now and the end of the first quarter. Several evaluations for the Luminaire Level Lighting Controls program as well as the Extended Motor Products program will be wrapping up in the first part of the year. These studies will bring increased understanding of the market opportunity for these efficient products, as well as NEEA’s progress toward its Market Transformation goals. In addition, there are a number of code compliance evaluations that will be in full swing in the next few months. It’s been an eventful year, and the team is looking forward to what the year ahead brings.
Wishing you a wonderful holiday season and a joyful start to the new year!
- Amy Webb, Sr. Manager of MRE