NEEA 2018 Annual Report Homepage

  • Susan Stratton 2019

    Letter to the Region

    We are so pleased to present NEEA’s 2018 Annual Report, which details regional accomplishments, lessons learned, relationships developed and barriers addressed over the past year. Thank you to our funders and stakeholders who dedicate their time, talent and resources toward making energy efficiency a cornerstone of a vibrant and sustainable Northwest.

    2018 Portfolio Highlights


    Portfolio Highlights 2018

    • Idaho

      The next generation of cost-effective, energy efficient innovation depends on collaboration. When Northwest states work together, our energy organizations excel and clear a path to a more sustainable energy future that spurs job creation and drives the economy.
      - Brad Little, Governor of Idaho

      2018 Success Stories

      • Rwlights

        Reduced Wattage Lamp Replacement

        Transforming Markets - The alliance’s Reduced Wattage Lamp Replacement program ended in 2018, but the program’s assets – including a suite of valuable distributor relationships, data collection mechanisms, supply chain contracts and best practices – will continue to support a wide variety of products and local utility programs.

      • Vhe Doas Rooftop

        High Performance HVAC

        Filling the Region’s Energy Efficiency Pipeline - In 2018, the alliance worked with the market to introduce an innovative HVAC systems approach that promises to dramatically reduce whole-building electric energy use across the Northwest.

      • Apartment Apartment Building Architecture 323705

        Commercial Code Enhancement

        Influencing Progressively More Effective Energy Codes – The alliance is applying market transformation principles to the code change process, creating better alignment between the market, utility programs and code.

      • Lighting Dashboard

        Commercial Lighting

        Turning Data into Actionable Insights – In 2018 the alliance created a user-friendly lighting data dashboard — presenting granular, timely pricing and sales data— to support utility program planning.

      • Ar Rheem Hpwh T3 Garage S

        Gas Heat Pump Water Heaters

        Accelerating Natural Gas Efficiency - 2018 brought big strides in the alliance’s efforts to support the market in developing, adopting and calibrating the first natural gas heat pump water heater.

      • NEEA’s 2025-2029 Strategic and Business Plans build on the alliance’s more than 25-year history of Market Transformation success. These plans outline how the alliance will deliver on its draft mission: to catalyze the most efficient use of energy for a thriving Northwest.

        NEEA’s active engagement and leadership have been instrumental in building the collaboration and coordination required to prepare the North American market, including the Northwest, for gas heat pump water heaters.

        - Ryan Kerr
        Senior Manager, Emerging Technologies, Gas Technology Institute

        Impacts and Investments

        • 2018 Co Created Savings 10

          Energy Savings

          NEEA estimates that working together the region delivered 46 average megawatts (aMW) of co-created energy savings in 2018. Almost two thirds of those savings are the result of investments made during previous business cycles that are returning energy savings today.

          Co-created energy savings = all energy savings above baseline that occur in the market due to the combined efforts of utilities, the alliance and other actors.

          1 aMW = enough energy to power about 730 Northwest homes per year

          Co-Created Energy Savings by Sector
          All Investments

          23  aMW

          23 aMW

          Codes and Standards (not associated with a voluntary program)

          13 aMW

          13 aMW


          3 aMW

          3 aMW


          7 aMW

          7 aMW

          Industrial and Agriculture

          Progress To Bp Goals 5Year

          Progress to Five-Year Goals
          All Investments

          Progress To Bp Goals 10Year

          Progress to Ten-Year Goals
          All Investments

          20 Year Levelized Cost:

          Current Portfolio = 2.8 cents/kWh
          Target = 3.5 cents/kWh

          2018 Regional Peak Demand Savings:

          Current Portfolio = 90 MW (winter)
          Target = N/A

          2018 Avoided CO2 Emissions:

          Current Portfolio = 212,168 tons/yr
          Target = N/A

          Cumulative Co-Created Savings (aMW): 1997–2018

          Working together, the region has delivered about 775 average megawatts (aMW) of co-created energy savings since 1997 – enough energy to power more than 500,000 Northwest homes each year.
          2018 Cumulativecocreated 6

          2018 Expenses

          $20.5 Million

          $20.5 Million

          Market Strategy and Execution

          $7.1 Million

          $7.1 Million

          Planning, Evaluation, and Technology

          $4.5 Million

          $4.5 Million


          $1.3 Million

          $1.3 Million

          End Use Load Research

          $2.1 Million

          $2.1 Million

          Stakeholder Engagement and Communication

          $2.4 Million

          $2.4 Million

          Natural Gas

          Balance Sheet

          As of December 31, 2018

          Cash and cash equivalents $11,987,395
          Funder and other receivables $976,267
          Prepaid expenses $579,448
          Property and equipment $453,653
          Total Assets $13,996,763
          Liabilities and net assets
          Accounts payable and other liabilities $5,825,034
          Advances from funders $6,354,013
          Total liabilities $12,179,047
          Net Assets
          Unrestricted $1,562,471
          Temporarily restricted $255,245
          Total Net Assets $1,817,716
          Total Liabilities and Net Assets $13,996,763

          Statement of Activities

          Year ending December 31, 2018

          Electric contributions $32,757,133
          Natural Gas contributions $3,153,565
          End Use Load Research Contributions $1,361,089
          Special fund contributions $662,501
          Interest and other income $197,571
          Total Revenue $38,131,859
          Compensation and benefits $12,012,987
          General administration $2,916,200
          Direct project costs $22,974,605
          Total Expenses $37,903,792
          Change in net assets $228,067

          NEEA Board of Directors

          Bod 2

          Board List 2018

          2018 Annual Report Summary
