2021 Annual Report

Alliance’s Leads Evolution of Energy Efficiency in 2021 NEEA’s Annual Report highlights evolution of energy efficiency technologies and programs benefiting the region.

  • 2021 Susan and Cory headshots withtitle

    Letter to the Region

    Energy efficiency is often called a no regrets investment, and today there remains growing recognition of energy efficiency’s role in a vibrant, sustainable future. The industry continues to quickly evolve with new technologies and priorities that embrace the full spectrum of efficiency benefits – energy savings, resilience, flexibility and more.

    The alliance’s collective collaboration and innovation is leading this evolution of efficiency across the region, and across North America. The alliance works collaboratively to save energy, bring more efficient products to market faster, and create long-lasting changes to energy-efficient products, practices, and services. Together we have a greater impact than any one person or organization could accomplish alone.

    2021 Portfolio Highlights:

    2021 Portfolio Highlights

    • Montana

      Investments in energy efficiency drive innovation and economic growth. I appreciate Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance for bringing the region together to support our energy future.
      -Greg Gianforte, Governor of Montana

      Success Stories

      • PAWS Logo 3c rgb

        Initiative gets Greenlight from U.S. Department of Energy

        In 2021, NEEA facilitated the formation of a new initiative, the Partnership for Advanced Window Solutions (PAWS). Supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, the PAWS coalition seeks to accelerate the national availability and adoption of advanced and highly efficient windows and window attachments that improve occupants’ comfort and reduce building energy use.

        Through it's leadership, the alliance is helping to promote cost-effective, high performance window solutions for new and existing building stock in the Northwest and across the nation. PAWS’ partners include utilities, national labs, window manufacturers, state agencies, regional energy efficiency organizations trade organizations and NGOs with a building efficiency mission.

      • LLLC Photo cropped

        Differentiating Northwest lighting experts since 2014

        NEEA’s Top Tier Trade Ally infrastructure program launched in 2014 and transitioned to the market in 2021. Designed in collaboration with regional utilities, the NXT Level training featured a carefully crafted curriculum and tiered delivery to remove a host of barriers—including location, availability and cost—that prevented Northwest lighting professionals from keeping up with the latest techniques and technologies.

        Since then, more than 430 lighting professionals have received the NXT Level Training designation, differentiating themselves as top tier lighting experts in the market.

      • NEEA 25 logo

        Timeline highlights alliance's 25 years of Market Transformation

        Twenty-five years ago, the energy efficiency community in Idaho, Montana, Washington and Oregon created the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) based on a shared belief that together, we can accomplish far more than we can alone.


        Impacts and Investments

        2021 Energy Savings Results

        • 2021 Co-Created electric energy savings annual report

          2021 Co-Created Energy Savings

          NEEA estimates that the alliance delivered almost 35 average megawatts (aMW) of Co-Created energy savings in 2021. Most of those savings are the result of investments made during previous business cycles.

          • 2021 Total Regional Natural Gas Savings

            NEEA estimates that the alliance delivered 0.33 Million Therms (MM Therms) of Total Regional natural gas savings in 2021. This number takes into account the reduced savings from Oregon and Washington residential building code updates.

            The alliance’s natural gas portfolio is still in early development and several potential savings streams are not yet accounted for.

            2021 Total Regional Natural Gas Savings annual report
            • 2021 AR Co-Created Electric Energy Savings Progress to 5-year goals (All Investments)

              Co-Created Electric Energy Savings

              For its Cycle 6 Business Plan (2020-2024), the alliance estimates it will deliver between 120-170 average megawatts (aMW) of Co-Created electric energy savings, enough energy to power more than 120,000 Northwest homes each year.

              Co-Created - or shared - energy savings include all savings above the baseline that occur in the market due to the combined efforts of NEEA and its partners.

              1 aMW = enough energy to power about 730 Northwest homes per year

              • Total Regional Natural Gas Energy Savings

                The alliance estimates it will deliver between 4-12 Million (MM) Therms of Co-Created natural gas energy savings during its Cycle 6 Business Plan (2020-2024). The forecast is driven by reduced savings this cycle from residential code updates in Oregon and Washington.

                Total Regional Savings include all savings calculated above the pre-intervention market starting point due to the combined efforts of NEEA and its partners.

                2021 AR Total Regional Natural Gas Energy Savings Progress to 5-year goals (All Investments)

                20 Year Levelized Cost:

                Current Portfolio = .14 cents/kWh

                20-year Electric Benefit-Cost Ratio*: 2.2

                *Reflects the 20-year value of the regional investment in Market Transformation efforts. The alliance only advances a program into the market if it meets the minimum benefit-cost ratio threshold of 1.

                2021 Regional Peak Demand Savings:

                10.1 MW winter peak (current investments in market development)

                2021 Avoided CO2 Emissions:

                Electric - 183,148 tons
                Natural Gas - 1,925 tons

                Additive* Co-Created Savings (aMW): 1997–2021

                Market Transformation is a long-term process that delivers permanent market change. Alliance activities during a business cycle continue to deliver energy savings after the 5-year investment period has ended. This chart shows energy savings associated with the funding cycle as well as savings growth into the future.
                Working together, the region has delivered more than 879 average megawatts (aMW) of Co-Created electric energy savings since 1997 – equivalent to amount of energy needed to power more than 640,000 Northwest homes each year.

                *Additive Energy Savings are defined as the sum of new first year savings occurring each year across multiple years.

                2021 AR additive savings graph.png

                2021 Investments

                $23.7 Million

                $23.7 Million

                Electric Market Development & Transformation

                $5.3 Million

                $5.3 Million

                Analytics, Research & Evaluation

                $5 Million

                $5 Million

                Business Administration

                $1.7 Million

                $1.7 Million

                Stakeholder Engagement, Corporate Strategy & Communications

                $2.6 Million

                $2.6 Million

                Natural Gas Market Development & Transformation

                $1.2 Million

                $1.2 Million

                End Use Load Research

                Balance Sheet

                As of December 31, 2021

                Cash and cash equivalents $1,021,961
                Short-term investments $12,284,328
                Funder and other receivables $1,603,387
                Prepaid expenses $812,164
                Investment in CalMTA $10,000
                Property and equipment $2,141,257
                Total Assets $17,873,097
                Liabilities and net assets
                Accounts payable and other liabilities $5,922,276
                Advances from funders $7,789,659
                Total liabilities $13,711,935
                Net Assets
                Unrestricted $3,023,644
                Temporarily restricted $1,137,518
                Total Net Assets $4,161,162
                Total Liabilities and Net Assets $17,873,097

                Statement of Activities

                Year ending December 31, 2021

                Electric contributions $31,636,885
                Natural Gas contributions $3,075,819
                End Use Load Research Contributions $1,888,128
                Special fund contributions $3,626,296
                Interest and other income $106,451
                Total Revenue $40,333,579
                Compensation and benefits $12,980,901
                General administration $2,767,976
                Direct project costs $24,003,823
                Total Expenses $39,752,700
                Change in net assets $580,879

                NEEA Board of Directors

                Board banner

                Board list 2021

                2021 Annual Report

                The full annual report with a summary of the alliance's program and portfolio activities and is available.

                See the full report