Residential Building Stock Assessment

The RBSA provides building characteristic and energy usage data on residential buildings in the Northwest.


NEEA Releases Foundational Data on Northwest Residential Building Stock and Energy Usage, Supporting Regional Decision-Making

2022 RBSA Data Reveals Northwest Energy Trends for LEDs, Smart Thermostats and more

The results of the 2022 Residential Building Stock Assessment (RBSA) are now available. The RBSA collects data on more than 100 building characteristics and supports the region with an up-to-date and representative characterization of existing Northwest residential building stock and energy trends. This fundamental primary research is used by NEEA, Northwest utilities, and other regional stakeholders to improve and expand the region’s understanding of residential energy usage and support regional efficiency programs and energy planning. The 2022 RBSA gathered energy usage and building characteristic data from more than 2,000 single-family and multifamily residences in Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington.

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View RBSA Study Reports and Findings Below:


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The alliance conducts a variety of large-scale, regional data collection studies, including the Residential and Commercial Building Stock Assessments and the End Use Load Research project. Click below to view past and current projects.

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